Eastern Region: +609 5563750
Central Region: +603 80758866

Our Commitment to Quality

Since the company's conception, it has been our utmost priority to deliver quality products above anything else. We trust that all customers deserve products and services that meet their expectations.

No matter where you are or what your wire need,
the company will work together with you to deliver performance for you...

To ensure our standards are consistently maintained, we implement Quality Management System ISO 9001 in all levels in the organization as well as Malaysian Standard MS 145 on our KWP Steel Fabric. With ISO 9001, we pledge to be able to fulfill all our customers requirements by constantly devising ways to improve our delivery system in key strategic areas of services, employee knowledge and product quality.

All our products that comply with Malaysian Standard MS 145 must adhere to strict quality control procedures before delivering to customers. We have invested heavily in Metal Material Testing machines for our Test Laboratories in all our operations and proper training are provided for all our QC Staff.